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Residencia: Sarah Harris [Canadá]. 25-29/07/2022

The artist will spend the week in Morelia field recording, and working at the CMMAS studios sound creating and designing, and refining materials for a larger collaborative project the following week at CMMAS for the field school Sonic Visions Academy: New Music and Media Arts.

SARAH HARRIS is a Montreal, QC based musician, sound engineer, and arts worker from St. John's, NL. With primary interests in community organizing, live performance, composition, and sound, Sarah is Lawnya Vawnya’s programming coordinator, plays in bands, and is currently a student in Concordia’s Electroacoustic studies program. Writing and performing musical styles ranging from folk to experimental/electronic, Sarah has

created the music for three Atlantic Canadian short films and performed on recent albums by Kelly McMichael, John, and Eastern Owl. Sarah is a member of the St. John’s band Property since 2016 and founded an amateur comics zine called I Don't Do Comics in early

2020 which publishes and encourages first time and emerging comic artists.

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Este proyecto es financiado por el Programa de Desarrollo Cultural Municipal que es de carácter público, no es patrocinado ni promovido por partido político alguno y sus recursos provienen de los impuestos que pagan todos los contribuyentes. Está prohibido el uso de este programa con fines políticos, electorales, de lucro y otros distintos a los establecidos. Quien haga uso indebido de los recursos de este programa deberá ser denunciado y sancionado de acuerdo con la ley aplicable y ante la autoridad competente

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