Fecha: del 17 al 22 de marzo de 2014
Hora: 10h a 18h
Cuota de recuperación: $3,000
Cupo limitado: 6 personas
Este curso será impartido en inglés
Para inscribirse o solicitar información mandar un email a:
(Nota: si se toma el ciclo completo, es decir, los tres cursos, la cuota de recuperación será de $3000. Se ofrecerán 2 becas del 50% ($1500 totales) a quienes envíen una carta de motivos antes del 21 de febrero, para realizar el ciclo completo. No hay becas para cursos individuales).
Impartido por: Erick Spangler (EUA), Jason Sloan (EUA), Rodrigo Sigal (México), Jose Luis Nava (México), Felipe Orduña (México)
Equipo recomendado :
Audífonos, computadora laptop con el software Ableton instalado (bajar la versión gratuita de 30 días en, algún controlador midi.
Además de las computadoras, se invita a traer instrumentos musicales para la presentación final.
Temática del curso.
Durante esta semana Jason Sloan y Erik Spangler, miembros de la facultad de Arte-sonido del Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), dirigirán talleres en fonografía (acústica ecológica y grabación de campo), música concreta e improvisaciones grupales utilizando recursos gráficos. Se llevará a cabo una documentación en audio y video del área local para luego incorporarlo en una pieza multimedia colaborativa, para ser presentada en el CMMAS en viernes 21de marzo a las 8pm y en el MICA en Estados Unidos.
Dicho curso busca generar enlaces de intercambio ya que participarán alumnos del Maryland Institute College of Art.
Friday, 3/14
Depart MICA for BWI airport; fly directly to Morelia, Mexico. Upon arrival, attend concert, meet CMMAS staff and musicians for dinner.
Monday, 3/17
[MICA students only, at Jason Sloan and Erik Spangler’s accommodations]
10 AM - 6 PM: Soundscape research, getting to know the local geography and history of Morelia, gathering video footage with cell phones to be mixed live in the performance.
9 PM: Sound documentary screening [TBA] at MICA faculty accommodations
Tuesday, 3/18
10:00 - 11:00 Introduction to CMMAS [Rodrigo Sigal]
11:00 - 12:00 Phonography & Field Recording [Jason Sloan]
1:00 - 2:00 Phonography & Field Recording - continued [Erik Spangler]
2:00 - 4:00 Excursion- recording sounds around Morelia
4:00 - 6:00 Discussion of the Morelia soundscape; organizing and editing recorded sounds
9:00 Sound documentary screening [TBA] at MICA faculty accommodations
Wednesday, 3/19
10:00 - 11:00 History and Aesthetics of Musique Concréte [Jason Sloan]
11:00 - 12:00 Found-Sound Editing and Sampling Techniques in Ableton Live [Erik Spangler]
1:00 - 3:30 Science of Sound: Physics and Perception [Felipe Orduña Bustamante]
3:30 - 6:00 Individual consultations with Erik Spangler and Jason Sloan; independent work time with recorded audio- creating virtual instruments based in Ableton Live’s Sampler, Drum Rack, Granulator
9:00 Sound documentary screening [TBA]
Thursday, 3/20
10:00 - 12:00: Organizing Sound Materials For Performance [Erik Spangler & Jason Sloan]
1:00 - 2:00 Discussion of recent work [Jose Luis García Nava]
2:00 - 4:00 Individual consultations with Erik Spangler and Jason Sloan; independent work time- creating a flexible performance setup; MIDI-mapping control of audio clips, virtual instruments and effects
4:00 - 6:00 Graphic Notation & Video As Musical Score [Erik Spangler & Jason Sloan]
9:00 Sound documentary screening [TBA]
Friday, 3/21
10:00 - 12:00 Group improvisation exercises; discussion of the video score for full group performance
1:00 - 3:00 Trio/quartet rehearsals for performance
3:00 - 5:00 Full group rehearsal for performance
7:00 Sound check
8:00 Performance: electro-acoustic trio/quartet improvisations, full group performance of video-based graphic score
Saturday, 3/22
[Off-site] Post-performance discussion; group field trip TBA
Sunday, 3/23
MICA students and faculty depart Morelia
Otras actividades de Nuevos acercamientos: Ciclo de actividades sobre composición y creación sonora