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Concierto: Where the Cicadas sing. Brad Decker & David Gracon [EUA]

05 de junio del 2015

Lugar: Auditorio del CMMAS

Entrada libre.


El concierto multimedia consistirá en obras de audio y video de Brad y David, en las cuales han colaborado recientemente con la técnica DIY (Do-it-yoursel - hágalo usted mismo), con estéticas de documental e improvisación sonora, que es experimental en su naturaleza. Las obras vienen de una combinación de secuencias encontradas en la creación fílmica (Where the Cicadas Sing) , así como del documental minimalista/observacionista (Ordinary Video Series).


Las obras de audio incorporan el proceso en vivo de instrumentos en vivo. La combinación focal de la imagen y sonido es predicada a través de momentos de suerte y del espontáneo: como uno responde artísticamente al mundo alrededor de nosotros?




Where the Cicadas Sing (2014)        David Gracon, video - Brad Decker, audio


sequal.13.04.03    (2013)                  Brad Decker

Electroacústica cuadrafónica


Ordinary Video Series                       David Gracon


Traces of Morelia*    (2015)               David Gracon, video - Brad Decker

Procesamiento de audio en vivo.   


*premier mundial


Dr. Brad Decker

My music focuses on the concept of interaction, and each project does so in a unique way (i.e. performer/composer interactivity; combining eras of technology; exploring disparate gestures and timbres; juxtaposing spaces and architectural ratios; etc.).

I am currently working on a series of pieces that involve improvisation and live audio processing, with or without multimedia influence. I am also a bassist, and I typically perform on double bass with interactive computer processing. My interests are in using technology to be expressive. Typically one sound source is used to develop an entire palette of sound. I am also concerned with how I (a composer/performer) interact with the computer environment to create a tactile experience that is analogous to instrumental performance. Previous projects have incorporated infrared sensor technology, modular synthesis, fixed media, and acoustic idioms.

My music has been performed in Australia, Italy, France, Brazil, and Canada, as well as at numerous venues in the United States. As a teacher, I stress positive, creative exploration, and refined clarity of expression. My classes usually center on the discovery of new ideas through hands-on experience, critical thinking and focused observation.

I received my DMA in music composition from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. My graduate work focused on the late music of Franco Donatoni. I received my MM in music theory and composition at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. I currently teach music composition, electronic music, and musicianship at Eastern Illinois University.

For more information, visit


Dr. David Gracon

My current interdisciplinary intersections of research, teaching and creative production interests include the political economy of media, critical cultural studies, alternative media and documentary production. While I produce traditional documentary, I’m also invested in experimental, diary filmmaking and observational/minimalist documentary.

I'm working on the ongoing Ordinary Video Series (2013-Present), a series of short haiku-like/minimalist observational documentaries exploring the intersections of nature, media and socially constructed spaces shot spontaneously on my Smartphone.  I’m also currently organizing a Midwest tour with my retrospective program Amateur Versus Professional — Experimental Film and Video works 1997-2015.

I’m a native of Buffalo, NY and have been invested in post-punk, indie, experimental music scenes, zine communities and college radio; as well as activist orientated experimental film, video and documentary collectives since the mid 90’s. In 2001, I was the technical director at Squeaky Wheel: Buffalo Media Resources, a prominent DIY microcinema located in Buffalo, NY. In 2009 I co-curated (along with Marc Moscato and Julie Perini of Portland, Oregon) and toured the program Tough Stuff From the Buff Tour: Experimental and Activist Film and Video from the Fringes of Buffalo, NY by bicycle around the Pacific Northwest. I have been making DIY experimental film and video and various strands of documentary video since the mid 90’s. My works have been screened widely including the Chicago Underground Film Festival, the Kuala Lumpur Experimental Film and Video Festival (KLEX), Hallwalls Contemporary Art Center (Buffalo, NY) and the Pittsburgh Film Festival.  I currently run and curate Hallways Microcinema, a monthly screening series of underground/experimental media in Champaign, Illinois.

I completed my PhD in Communication and Society at the University of Oregon and my MA/BA from the University at Buffalo (SUNY) in Media Studies and Sociology.  I’m currently an assistant professor of Communication Studies at Eastern Illinois University.


Video del concierto aquí.

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Este proyecto es financiado por el Programa de Desarrollo Cultural Municipal que es de carácter público, no es patrocinado ni promovido por partido político alguno y sus recursos provienen de los impuestos que pagan todos los contribuyentes. Está prohibido el uso de este programa con fines políticos, electorales, de lucro y otros distintos a los establecidos. Quien haga uso indebido de los recursos de este programa deberá ser denunciado y sancionado de acuerdo con la ley aplicable y ante la autoridad competente

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