Canadá / México
04 de agosto de 2023
Este programa intensivo organizado por Concordia University, liderado por el profesor Dr Ricardo Dal Farra, culminará con un concierto público, presentando lo que los estudiantes han aprendido y trabajado durante su estancia en México.
El programa intensivo de verano Sonic Visions Academy @ Mexico / New Music and Media Arts, ofreció a estudiantes de licenciatura y posgrado de diversos ámbitos musicales y artísticos, así como a estudiantes de ciencia, ingeniería, comunicación, programación y otras áreas, la oportunidad de trabajar en proyectos de investigación y creación en torno al arte sonoro y las media arts, la música experimental, electrónica y las artes integradas.
Los participantes, estudiantes de Concordia University y de la UQAM, ambas instituciones de Montreal Canadá, asistirán a clases magistrales y conferencias sobre creación musical, paisajes sonoros, música-visual, composición algorítmica, y más, todas ellas dadas por los profesores del CMMAS y ENES-UNAM Unidad Morelia junto a invitados especiales; Dr Rodrigo Sigal, Dra. Emma Wilde, Dr Francisco Colasanto, Dr. Mario Duarte, Dr. Omar Rojas, y Prof. Tonalli R. Nakamura.
Land Acknowledgemen
Christine White
Martín Rodríguez
Rodrigo D´Alcântara
A welcoming to the evening with an acknowledgement of P´urépecha. Followed by a soundscape comprised of the birds of Abya Yala
Home of Birds
Christine White
A soundscape comprised of the birds of Abya Yala
Las Plañideras
Sarah Al Mamoun
Sarah Barone
Georgia Campbell-Irwin
A soundscape directed by body movement, this sonic-dance performance experiments with real-time feedback from a strech and motion sensor to distort sound samples of ocean waves, embodying the pendulating movement structures that harmonize these waves
4500 kilomètres: Tournez à gauche pour Morelia
Florence Landry
Gerogia Campbell-Irwin
Emmanuel Szeptycki
Une composition acousmatique: I´horizontalité, la temporalité, les fréquences plus ou moins grave et les filtres représenter et faire sentir la distance qui sépare Montréal de Morelia.
JAULA for prepared piano
Composition by Mario Lavista
Performed by Katarzyna Musial
Paseo Mexa
Lizbeth Dueñas
Rodolfo Lerma
Alejandra Corrales
Sergio Iris
A soundscape exploring the natural world, the often intense and accelerated feeling of the city, and a possibility for reconciliation between the two.
Piano x Motion: The Dance of Music and Technology in Performance
Katarzyna Musial
Sarah Al Mamoun
Pat McMaster
Roger Sioufi
Discover, among other thins, Manuel M. Ponce´s expressive composition, "Malgre tout", written for the left hand and dedicated to sculptor Jesus Contreras, who lost his right arm in an accident and continued to create with it. The pianist´s left hand plays, the right hand moves with dance-inspired motions, generating live sounds through an attached sensor thus allowing observation of the "acoustic body"
Migrant Vessels
Martín Rodríguez
Christine White
Sarah Barone
Michael Halls
Action based installation for resonating water jugs, transducers, radios, found objects, and live performers.
Sonic Vistas: Exploring Morelia´s Plaza de Armas
Jessie Dzandu
Austin Tecks
Sonic Vistas immerses users in Morelia´s Plaza de Armas rich soundscape, crafting personalized soundscapes through interactive web design.
Paleta de aguacate
Don Undeen
Emmanuel Szeptycki
Sarah Al Mamoun
Sarah Barone
Antoine Bellemare
Paleta de Aguacate is a performance exploring interaction with and between humans, sensors, live instruments, and movement.
The Hidden Harmonies of the Body
Antoine Bellemare
A talk concerning the ways biorhythmscan be used for the exploration of new musical structures, highlighting the parallel between phenomenology, physiology and music.
Syncretic Mythologies: The Choir and The Fountain
Rodrigo D´Alcântara
Mimi Allard
Syncretic Mythologies: The Choir and The Fountain is a combined diptych sound video performance, in which both performers elaborate on personal fictionalizations that resonate with collective mythologies.
Pat McMaster
Morelias Field School Choir
Mixed performance for the electronics and voice with visuals and laser projection. Inspired by the lifecycle of the Paricutín volcano which erupted in 1943, 150 km west of Morelia. Exploring themes of transmission, interference and harmonic relationships.