Hora: 20h00Lugar: Auditorio del CMMAS
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'Composing Place'Rob presentará un concierto solista de obras combinando sonidos del medio ambiente con poesía, flauta y video. Desde los sonidos de piedras resonantes de Cumbria hasta ambientes de la jungla de Sri Lanka. La obra de Robert evoca una sensación de espacio y explora nuestra relación con el mundo.
Environs Electroacústica
Living Waves Electroacústica 5.1
Flute Melt Flauta y electroacústica
Postcards from the Summer Electroacústica
Voicewind Electroacústica
Rob Mackay is a composer, sound artist and performer. He gained a BSc in Geology and Music at the University of Keele, before going on to complete a Master's and PhD in Electroacoustic Composition at Bangor University. He is currently Senior Lecturer in the School of Drama, Music and Screen at the University of Hull.
Recent projects have moved towards a cross-disciplinary approach, including geology, soundscape ecology, theatre, audiovisual installation work, and human-computer interaction. His work has been performed in 18 countries (including several performances on BBC Radio 3, BBC Radio 1 and Radio France), and a number of his pieces have received international awards (Bourges, EAR, La Muse en Circuit). He has held composer residencies at Slovak Radio (Bratislava), La Muse en Circuit (Paris), the Tyrone Guthrie Arts Centre (Ireland), Habitación del Ruido (Mexico City), and CMMAS (Morelia).
His latest project was a collaboration with poet John Wedgwood Clarke for the Arts Council funded Dictionary of Stone. This was a natural progression from working on a number of projects based on the theme of geology, including a collaboration with percussionist Dame Evelyn Glennie on the Natural England funded Ruskin Rocks project, led by a team of scientists and musicians at the University of Leeds who have created two new stone instruments (lithophones): He has also created a Jurassic soundscape for Scarborough’s Rotunda museum which is currently installed.
His musical interests have also led him to has play, write and produce in a number of bands including the Welsh Hip-Hop collective Tystion with whom he collaborated alongside John Cale on the film A Beautiful Mistake (Film 4), as well as recording two John Peel sessions on BBC Radio 1 and supporting PJ Harvey. The band have a chapter devoted to them in Sarah Hill's book 'Blerwytirhwng?' The Place of Welsh Pop Music (Ashgate 2007). He has also done session work for Super Furry Animals producer Gorwel Owen, songwriter Euros Childs, and is enjoying playing in the Welsh Afrobeat collective Drymbago, supporting Quantic and Tony Allen at recent gigs.