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Concierto: Andrew Stewart y Ensamble 3- 29 de junio del 2012


Fecha: 29 de junio de 2012

Hora: 20:30 Hrs

Lugar: Auditorio del CMMAS

Entrada libre



D.  Andrew Stewart (Canada)      Transir for bass flute and soprano t-stick (Salvador and Andrew)

Juan Sebastián Lach (Mexico)      Chamba de um acorde (Ensamble 3)

José Urgilés Cárdenas (Ecuador)       Desprendiendo, clarinet and tape (Fernando, premier)

D. Andrew Stewart (Canada)      With winds, T-stick (Andrew)

Michael Matthews (Canada)       Into its own shadow (Ensamble 3 and electronics, premier)

D. Andrew Stewart has been working in the field of music composition since 1994. Stewart is a composer, pianist, music theorist and digital musical instrumentalist. After developing his own sensor-suit in 2000, while living in Paris, he began pursing a career in live electronics – gesture-controlled – performance. Stewart has expertise in current and earlier digital instrumentalities (e.g. SonicJumper; T-Stick; Rulers; Buchla’s Lightning; JazzMutant Lemur; Méta-Instrument). Following postdoctoral research at Concordia University, Montreal, supported by a two-year research-creation scholarship from the Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture, Stewart moved to Lethbridge, Canada, where he currently teaches music and digital audio art at the University of Lethbridge. His practise centres around three areas: combining acoustic instrument and digital instrument composition; establishing performance practises for digital instruments; developing class curricula that focus on student learning. Stewart’s work has been featured by: the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, Esprit Orchestra, Penderecki Quartet, Toronto New Music Concerts, Ensemble contemporain de Montréal +, musikFabrik, orkest de ereprijs, Ensamble 3 and ROSA Ensemble. His residencies include: the Casalmaggiore International Festival, Italy; the composers’ course in Radziejowicach, Poland (ISCM); the Tanglewood Music Center. In addition, he has contributed to the field of music technology research through his participation at: the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, International Computer Music Conference / International Computer Music Association, Electroacoustic Music Studies Network, ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, International Music-Gesture Conference, Society for Music Theory and the international Improvisation, Community, and Social Practice research project. D. Andrew Stewart’s educational background includes his time at the Conservatory of Music and Dance/Institute of Sonology in The Hague, Holland, where he completed post-graduate studies in composition with Louis Andriessen and Martijn Padding and also trained in electroacousitcs with Gilius van Bergeijk, Clarence Barlow and Paul Berg. Andrew Stewart also holds graduate degrees in music composition from The University of British Columbia and McGill University and has studied with John Rea, Sean Ferguson, Martin Matalon, Roger Reynolds, Christopher Rouse, Keith Hamel, Alexina Louis, Glen Buhr and Peter Hatch.



Ensamble 3

Creado en los albores del siglo XXI  Ensamble 3  es una  plataforma múltiple a la creación musical contemporánea, promueve  difunde y apoya la labor creativa de los compositores actuales,  principalmente  mexicanos y latinoamericanos, insertándolos dentro del  panorama internacional de la música del hoy.  También  Ensamble 3  lleva a cabo una intensa labor de apoyo a la creación, impartiendo talleres y cursos a los jóvenes compositores, fomentando así la Nueva Creación Contemporánea.


De reconocimiento internacional, sus integrantes, Salvador Torre ( flautas ),  Fernando Domínguez ( clarinetes ) y Mauricio Náder ( piano ). Reúnen sus talentos para constituir este versátil ensamble que presenta en un mismo programa obras para uno, dos y tres instrumentos,  agregando en ocasiones la participación de artistas invitados. Dentro de su repertorio se  incluye tanto la música de compositores jóvenes como la del repertorio internacional.


Las  presentaciones  recientes  de  Ensamble 3  han sido, entre otras:  Festival-Intercambio México-Canadá,  Festival de Música Contemporánea de Bogotá, Colombia, Festival de la Habana Cuba. En México en el Foro  Internacional de Música Nueva Manuel  Enríquez, desde el año 2000 hasta la fecha, Festival Internacional Cervantino 2003 y 2006.  En cada una de las cuales se han llevado a cabo el estreno de valiosas partituras de  autores latinoamericanos y extranjeros compuestas especialmente para  Ensamble 3.

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