Fecha: 25 de octubre de 2012
Lugar: Auditorio de la UNAM campus Morelia (Antigua Carretera a Pátzcuaro No. 8701. Col. Ex-Hacienda de San José de La Huerta)
Horario: 20:30 Hrs
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Obra | Autor | Intérprete |
Four Short Pieces for 'Cello and Electronics | Marc Estibeiro | Myrtille Hetzel |
Central Heating | Hannah Hartman | Dafne Vicente-Sandoval |
LOOD | Arturo fuentes | Matthias Müller |
Xekis | Eduardo Caballero | Eduardo Caballero |
Greed | Christopher Biggs | Abderrahman Anzaldua |
Oché II (in memoriam JH) | Alejandro Cardona | Alejandro Cardona |
Nodes | Katharina Rosenberger | Matthias Müller |
Four Short Pieces for 'Cello and Electronics
This is one of three interactive works written for acoustic instruments and electronics as part of a PhD portfolio. The other two works are for Baritone Sax and Marimba. The electronic part consists of a spectral processing patch, amplitude and frequency envelopes, delays and an automated four-channel diffusion system. Pitch tracking software, triggered by amplitude thresholds, allows the performer to control the electronics in real time. The piece explores issues of perception on different timescales as well as degrees of control and interactivity. The natural sounds of the 'cello are juxtaposed with their own transformed selves as they unfold on the level of the microsound.
Marc Estibeiro
Marc Estibeiro is a composer and guitarist currently working as a lecturer at Staffordshire University. Previously he worked at Leeds College of Music. He has degrees in Music, Music Technology and Applied Linguistics from Middlesex University, Essex University and the University of Wales. He is currently working towards a PhD in Computer Music Composition at Durham University.
His music has been presented at workshops and concerts and seminars in France (IRCAM, Paris), Italy (Conservatorio di Musica, Cagliari), and the United Kingdom (University of Wales, Staffordshire University, Durham University).
Central Heating
For Bassoon and amplified objects. Dedicated to Dafne Vicente-Sandoval.
Hannah Hartman
Hanna Hartman is a Swedish sound artist and composer living in Berlin. Since around 1990 she has composed works for radio, sound sculptures and numerous performances all over Europe. More recently, she has started to write pieces for instrumentalists. Her many awards and grants include Prix Europa (1998), the Karl-Sczuka-Preis (2005), the Phonurgia Nova Prize (2006), a Villa Aurora grant (2010) and the Rosenberg Prize(2011). During 2007 and 2008 she was Composer-in-Residence for Swedish Radio.
Is Professor at the Zurich University of the Arts and has gained a reputation as a versatile artist and is active as an international interpreter, composer and teacher as well as the Artistic Director of various institutions. Along with works of music theatre and for orchestra, his œuvre encompasses many pieces of chamber music and electronic music, too. At the Institute for Computer Music und Sound Technology at the ZHdK he is in charge of the research project ‘Sensor Augmented Bass Clarinet’, an instrument that is playable in the usual way but also allows a computer to be controlled.
(Esta obra fue trabajada en el Laboratorio de Música Electrónica del New England Conservatory)Así como del fondo de la música brota una nota que mientras vibra crece y se adelgaza hasta que en otra música enmudece, brota del fondo del silencio otro silencio, aguda torre, espada, y sube y crece y nos suspende y mientras sube caen recuerdos, esperanzas, las pequeñas mentiras y las grandes, y queremos gritar y en la garganta se desvanece el grito: desembocamos al silencio en donde los silencios enmudecen."Silencio" Octavio Paz
Eduardo Caballero
Estudia composición en la Escuela Superior de Música y Danza de Monterrey con los maestros Ramiro Guerra y José Luis Wario; y en Vermont College in Fine Arts USA, con John Mallia. Ha tomado diversas clases magistrales de composición siendo los compositores José Luis Castillo, Beat Furer y Emanuel Nunes los que mas lo han influenciado como compositor.Es Seleccionado para asistir a la residencias artísticas en Millay Colony of the Arts N.Y. (2006), Djerassi Resident Artists Program CA (2010) y CMMAS Residencia Artística (2010).
While I was composing Greed I thought about different phenomena that one can be greedy about. I represent three of these in the work: collecting trinkets, amassing monetary wealth, and acquiring beautiful segments of land. Each of these facets of greedy behavior is associated with specific musical material and visual media. These materials abstractly represent both the beauty and/or neutral-ness of the object of desire, and juxtapose the objects themselves with the ugliness and results of selfish, thoughtless acquisition. The visual media represents this via algorithms that tend to progressively fill the screen.
Christopher Biggs
Is a composer and multimedia artist residing in Kalamazoo, MI, where he is Assistant Professor of Digital Composition at Western Michigan University. Chris’ music has been presented across the United States and Europe, as well as in Latin America and Asia. His music is regularly performed on conferences, festivals, and recitals. Chris received the 2008 Missouri Music Teacher’s Association composer of the year, the 2009 SEMAUS/ASCAP first place award, and the 2011 MACRO Composition Award. Chris’ recent projects focuses on integrating live instrumental performance with digital audiovisual media.
Oché II (in memoriam JH)
Una obra para guitarra eléctrica y electroacística en homenaje a los 70 años del nacimiento de Jimi Hendrix. La pieza tiene dos partes que se tocan sin pausa: una de carácter blusero y otra que es una especie de funk jarocho.
Alejandro Cardona
Compositor y guitarrista costarricense, estudió composición con Luis Jorge González, y luego en la Universidad de Harvard con Leon Kirchnir, Iván Tcherepnin y Curt Cacioppo. Tiene una Maestría en Síntesis de Imagen y Animación de la Escuela Superior de Artes de Utrecht, Holanda. Como compositor ha participado activamente en foros y festivales internacionales y su música ha sido ejecutada y grabada en Latinoamérica, Norteamérica y Europa. Desde 1986 trabaja en la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, en el Programa Identidad Cultural, Arte y Tecnología (ICAT) y en la Escuela de Música.