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In 2022, IRCAM and the Orchestre national d’Île-de-France, two musical bodies with a strong commitment to promoting contemporary creations and a new generation of artists, are joining forces to create the Élan Award, a new international composition competition for an orchestral work, including the “Île de créations” (the orchestral composition competition created in 2010 by the Orchestre national d’Île-de-France) at the IRCAM Academy. The young composers shortlisted to compete in the Élan Award will enjoy an exceptional creation support platform that combines the expertise of the two bodies in terms of training on composing a work for orchestra and electronic music. They will be guided in their composition work both by musicians at the Orchestra and by IRCAM’s teams, as well as by guest artists who will join the supervising team each year.

In 2025, as part of the ManiFeste festival academy, the finalists will attend an orchestral composition workshop and will take part in the rehearsals of the works they have composed for the competition. These will be played by the Orchestre national d’Île-de-France. Following this public concert, the Élan Award ceremony will be held, endowed by France Musique and the Maison de la Musique Contemporaine. The winning composition will be played on France Musique radio station during Anne Montaron’s programme “Création mondiale” and the score will be published by Durand-Salabert-Eschig.

The winner will also receive a commission from IRCAM and the Orchestre national d’Île-de-France to compose a new work for solo instrument (one instrumentalist from the Orchestre national d'Île-de-France), orchestra and electronic music, which will be developed during the following year’s ManiFeste festival. As part of the winner’s training in electronic music, they will receive support and advice from IRCAM’s computer music producers.

The compositions of the Élan Award winner may be performed during the Orchestra’s seasons, on tour in the Île-de-France region around Paris and in other regions across France to guarantee their very broad dissemination.

A genuine springboard for the career of young composers, the Élan Award is designed to promote their outreach and provide them with professional support over several years.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Tuesday November 5, 2024 at 10am CEST.

For the ÉLAN AWARD 2025 applications, please note that the call organizer requires the following information from your profile: Email address, Address (1), Date of birth, Citizenship, City, Country of residence, First name, Last name, Phone (1), Website, Zip code

When applying you will communicate those information to Ircam.

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