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Módulo 4: The Heart of Art - What’s your sound?- Del 27 de julio del 2012 al 23 de julio del 2012


Fechas: del 23 al 27 de julioProfesor: Rob Sweere (Holanda).Horarios: de lunes a viernes de 10 a 2 y de 4 a 6 (a excepción del miercoles)Cantidad de horas: 30Viernes 27: presentación de trabajos de los alumnos

Este módulo será impartido en inglés

Es importante mencionar que el miércoles 25 el taller se trasladará a las Yácatas de Tzintzuntzan. El costo del traslado y de la entrada será adicional y abonado en el CMMAS y se cubrirán al llegar a Morelia.


Workshop: The Heart of Art - What’s your sound?


In this workshop we will be immersed in doing performances. The way we will work is starting with personal themes and sounds that inspire us and we will transform them into a performance. A performance that will take place, so organizing the event is part of the process. You will also take part in a public group performance of the artist, so you learn about organizing and being part of a world wide art project.


Together we will find the themes in our lives which are important to us now, today. It's about setting a statement. You and Art.


Rob Sweere is an international artist who will take you into the dynamic world of doing art projects. You will work together with Rob Sweere on a personal intense level, creating an artwork/performance in one week.



- learn to conceptualize a personal theme and how to transform it into a performance

- learn this individually and also how to work in a group

- learn what it takes to create and organize a public performance

- learn about working as and being an international performance artist



- investigation into personal themes, individually and in small teams

- working together in a team and with a professional performance artist

- creating your own personal performance

- participate in a ‘Silent sky project’ performance

- creating a group performance together and and a public performance


Class Schedule:

Session/day 1:


- Welcome and introduction of the participants. Overview of the workshop.

- lecture by Rob Sweere about his work


- Step 1 of how to create a performance: investigation of the personal themes: writing, interviewing each other about important issues in our lives.


Session/day 2:


- Step 2: further investigation, reflection, and giving expression to your personal theme in a performance, preparation of one-minute performances


- individual one-minute performances with video recording

- sharing experiences, group feedback and feedback by Rob Sweere


Session/day 3:

Trip to Yacatas in Tzintzuntzan



- start process of the big group performance:

input about the big performance

How can we integrate the personal themes and performance ideas into a big group performance?


Participating in public performance of SILENT SKY PROJECT# at the Tzintzuntzan site


- sharing experiences, and discussing what it takes to organize a public performance as an artist. Trip back to Morelia.


Session/day 4:

The big group performance:


- finding and deciding a collective theme for the whole group.

- gathering ideas and trials for performance



- set up for the performance

- finding a site to do the performance

- rehearsal

- feedback by Rob Sweere


Session/day 5:

- finishing the idea for the performance

- production: camera's, soundrecording etc etc




- Big performance

- sharing experiences

- feedback by Rob Sweere

- reflection on the process and the results. How do I take on this experience in my next projects?


Videos de estos performance:


Biografía del professor:


Rob Sweere (1963) Arnhem, The Netherlands.

From 1989 until 1995 Rob Sweere has done many performances and actions, in museums, galleries and also outdoor in natural surroundings, questioning the possibility to frame an intense experience by camera. This resulted in performances with audience, photo works, video works and installations.

Since 1995 he creates circumstances for the public themselves to experience their daily surrounding in a different way. Feeling a certain lack in the ability to communicate his intense experiences to the public as frozen images he decided to work out a concept where the public themselves participate in the sculpture so they will have their own genuine experience. He invites people to become actively involved in his artworks. Already thousands of people have been in contact with his many different projects. And from their reactions Sweere feels stimulated to make his projects grow to make them available for more people.

Art Education:

1984 - 1986 Academy for Fine Arts St. Joost, Breda.(dept. photography & audiovisual)

1986 - 1989 University for the Arts (BA), Arnhem.(dept. Fine arts)

1991 - 1992 Rijksacademy voor Fine Arts (Masters), Amsterdam.(dept. Art Media Studies)


Works are in private collections, Museum of Modern Art Arnhem, Kunstfort Vijfhuizen, Haarlemmermeer and the national museum of modern art: Kröller-Müller Museum.

In the following cities Rob Sweere had commissions for permanent large scale artworks in public space:

Zutphen, Hurwenen, Arnhem, Spijk, Zoetermeer, Geertruidenberg, Nijmegen, De Bilt.

In the following countries Rob Sweere has done projects or made exhibitions:

The Netherlands, Germany, France, Mexico, Greece, Turkey, USA, Greenland, Luthuania, South-Korea, England, Brazil, Australia, El Salvador, Israel, Palestine, South Africa, India, Kenia, Switserland, Yugoslavia.


Cuota de recuperación:-Para asistir a 1 módulo el costo es de $2400 (un depósito de $1200 para apartar lugar y los $1200 restantes se pagarán en las oficinas del CMMAS antes de  iniciar el curso). Si pagas antes del 8 de junio el costo se reduce a $2200 (un depósito de $1100 para apartar lugar y los $1100 restantes en las oficinas del CMMAS antes de  iniciar el curso)

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Este proyecto es financiado por el Programa de Desarrollo Cultural Municipal que es de carácter público, no es patrocinado ni promovido por partido político alguno y sus recursos provienen de los impuestos que pagan todos los contribuyentes. Está prohibido el uso de este programa con fines políticos, electorales, de lucro y otros distintos a los establecidos. Quien haga uso indebido de los recursos de este programa deberá ser denunciado y sancionado de acuerdo con la ley aplicable y ante la autoridad competente

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