Curso de Verano de Música y Nuevas Tecnologías 2014
Fecha: del 25 al 27 de junio
Profesor: Jef Chippewa (Canadá)
Horario: de 10am a 1.30 pm y de 3 pm a 6 pm
Lugar: auditorio del CMMAS
Concierto: viernes 27 de junio a las 20 hrs
Este curso será impartido en inglés. El resto de los cursos serán impartidos en español. El inglés necesario para este curso es básico y el maestro hará un esfuerzo por entender en español cuando sea necesario.
Who is it for?
Any person familiar with or interested in learning more about the creative use of notation of instrumental new music, electroacoustic music and notational representation of other forms of contemporary music. Some prior knowledge of and experience with Western Music notation is required, but specialization is not necessary. The course is not explicitly targeted to any particular age group or level of experience: students, professors, musicologists and others will certainly find the topics and resources explored in the seminar useful and beneficial to their future creative work.
Although some practical examples and activities will use or refer to Finale (the instructor’s specialization) exclusively, users of other music notation programmes (Sibelius, LilyPond, Score, among others) will also benefit greatly from the courses — the large majority of the information and activities, as well as the various notational “problems” explored, are platform- and software-independent.
Workshop description
“New Music Notation: Score Design, Function and Role” is a three-day block seminar that takes a critical look at the use of music notation in a variety of musical contexts encountered since the mid-20th century. Through a series of thematically grouped modules, a range of topics related to the notation of a very broad range of styles of contemporary music will be explored. All forms of notational representation will be covered, from “traditional” notation to proportional notation to text and graphics notation, as well as the notation of electroacoustic and other digital musics.
The content — varyingly theoretical, practical, æsthetic and philosophical — covers questions of notational standards, pros and cons of specific notation types in representing different types of musical materials, basic graphic design and typography principles applied to music notation, analysis of existing scores, workflow issues, tips and tricks for unorthodox use of notation software, and more.
Conceptual Content
Differentiation of notational styles:
Creative use of notation in various musical styles; Analysis of the effectiveness of existing notations; Graphic design and font use; Efficient and extended use of existing notation software; Use of third-party notational resources.
Workshop Objectives
The seminar intends to help participants gain an understanding of broader issues of notation that are not taught in any existing educational programme. This will be achieved by:
Providing an overview of different styles of notation;
Offering an introduction to key graphic design and typography concepts; Exploring unorthodox uses of notation software in specific situations; Encouraging a critical approach to the use of music notation and notation software;
Analysing in detail notational excerpts of existing musical scores; Practical exercises and group activities.
Expected Results
The seminar will enhance the critical regard of participants in the representation of musical works, objects and processes, as well as the use of notation software. The new perspectives learned during the sessions will help participants make use of musical notation in a clearer and more precise manner in future projects, thereby increasing the effectiveness of their musical communication.
Working M ethodology
The seminar is structured as an assemblage of more than a dozen “modules” from 15–90 minutes in length and grouped thematically to form three days of lectures and activities. The morning sessions are predominantly theoretical in nature (i.e. lecture format), while the afternoon sessions feature more practical exercises and group activities. Throughout all sessions, morning and afternoon, participants are actively engaged in discussion of the materials being presented or explored.
Activities to do with the Students
Transcription of an audio excerpt of a composition unknown to the participants;
Group analysis of notation used in excerpts of select music scores from different periods; Group discussion of the effectiveness of the notation in examples provided by participants; Resolution of individual notation or software problems.
Special Requirements
The instructor will supply all necessary music scores and audio / video examples, which will be presented from his own personal computer. An Internet connection is needed for some notation examples. A video projector and audio playback system (stereo minijack to stereo playback) are required for the examples. If the seminar is to be given in a large hall, please consider whether a mic would be needed for the instructor.
Each participant will need to have a computer for the afternoon sessions (an Internet connection is not needed). This can be their own computer (Mac or PC) or one provided by the host institution, but Finale (2012 is the preferred version) or Sibelius must be installed on the computer.
Workshop Materials
No special workshop materials are needed. A suggested reading list may be sent shortly before the courses begin, but this is not essential to the understanding of the course materials.
Los interesados podrán inscribirse en los módulos por separado o tomar el curso completo.
- Cuotas de recuperación: -Para asistir únicamente a este módulo la cuota de recuperación es de $1500
Es importante considerar que las cuotas de recuperación NO son reembolsables por ningún motivo salvo la cancelación de los cursos por parte del CMMAS. Así mismo nadie podrá comenzar los cursos sin haber cubierto el total de su cuota.
La cuota de recuperación incluye el costo por los cursos en los horarios y fechas especificados, el acceso a los equipos del CMMAS (cupo limitado) con software necesarios para las clases que requieran el uso de equipo de cómputo. El alumno puede asistir con una computadora personal. También se le otorgará a quien lo requiera, una carta para solicitar un descuento de estudiante para comprar una licencia de Max/MSP con Cycling'74.
Podemos ofrecer dos becas del 50% y tres del 25% del costo completo ($10000) sólo a aquellos que tomen los 5 módulos.
En dicho caso el interesado deberá solicitarlo con una carta de motivos antes del viernes 30 de mayo. Si el aspirante obtiene la beca deberá cubrir el total restante ($5000 en el caso de obtener beca del 50% o $7500 si obtuvo una beca del 25%) antes del 17 de junio.
Quienes no hayan obtenido beca y estén interesados en cursar los 5 módulos, si realizan el pago antes del 1 de junio, la cuota se reducirá de $10000 a $8500.
Se otorgará constancia a los estudiantes que lo soliciten, que estén inscritos en los módulos y que cumplan un mínimo del 90% de asistencia.
No se permite el acceso a estudiantes en la modalidad de oyentes.
Cada participante es responsable de sus gastos de traslado, hospedaje y alimentación en Morelia. EL CMMAS puede orientar con información sobre hospedaje y alimentos.
Para información sobre la inscripción y becas comunicarse con Silvana Casal al e-mail: