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Concierto: Sidén Hedman dúo [Suecia]

06 de marzo del 2015

Hora:   20 hrs

Lugar: Auditorio del CMMAS

Entrada Libre

El dúo Sidén Hedman es uno de los ensambles más interesantes de la escena creativa artística de Suecia. Su base conceptual son obras para piano y electrónica así como instalaciones sonoras en cooperación con expresiones visuales, texto, danza, teatro/performance.  Han tenido varias colaboraciones con museos de arte, salas de conciertos y festivales musicales alrededor del mundo.



Lost in a Legend - Eva Sidén and Jens Hedman

For prepared grand piano and electronics


REcoil - Jens Hedman

For electronics


The Gravel harp/ Grusharpan - Eva Sidén

For prepared grand piano and electronics


Metal - from Wu Xing: the five elements (short version) Jens Hedman and Eva Sidén

For prepared grand piano and electronics



Jens Hedman is a long time established name in Swedish electro-acoustic music. His music has been performed at festivals, concerts and on radio all over the world and has received several important prizes in international music competitions. Hedman composes both instrumental and electro-acoustic music as well as sound art. He often combines his music with other artistic expressions, collaborating with writers, visual artists, choreographers and architects. To Hedman the spatial content of music is very important and many of his works explore space and movement utilising multi-channel techniques. He has also participated in several collaborate compositions together with other composers.


Eva Sidén, Sweden,  is a composer and a concert pianist with an international career. Mainly she works with her own compositions that combines instruments and electroaccoustic music/EAM, she composes both instrumental and electroaccoustic music/EAM. Eva Sidén also creates conceptual concert- and sound installations to museums, such as Musée d Orsay in Paris and Museum of Modern art i Stockholm aswell as to artgallerys.  Eva Sidén frequently collaborates with other artists and artforms; visual art, dance, theater, text and room/architecture. At the moment she is working with commissioned pieces and concerts that combines piano, other instruments and electronics with scenography or performance. She studied piano and composition at Music-conservatorys in Paris, Prag, Brno and Stockholm and new music, EAM at IRCAM, Paris aswell as esthetics, philosophy and music-and art history at University of Stockholm.


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