Fecha: 31 de mayo 2013
Hora: 20:00
Lugar: auditorio del CMMAS.
Entrada gratuita.

alterations, a scheme for two to many'
for fagot, viola, violin, voz (22'00, 2012)
'truth, exercise for a listener'
for two soloists (open duration, 2012)
(12'35, 2007)
'Protocol I, movement 1'
dos piezas cuadrafónicas de música electroacústica sobre la amplitud, tiempo y masa. (10'30, 2006)
Martijn Tellinga (1974, Netherlands) es un compositor e intérprete de propuestas musicales y situaciones acústicas.
Empleando una variedad de medios y proviniendo de un vocabulario de apariencia formalista y reducida, su trabajo se centra en la manipulación intuitiva de los sistemas (musicales) y en la expresión del espacio en términos de sonido. Esto incluye una amplia variedad de acciones conceptuales y de operaciones fortuitas sondeando el área emergente entre sucesos intencionales y accidentales en el sonido y la acción.
Martijn Tellinga (1974, Netherlands) is a composer and performer of musicalproposals and acoustical situations. His practice renders an ongoing meditationon the rudimentary condition of the sonic arts. Employing a variety of means and drawn from a reduced formalist-seeming vocabulary, his work centers on the intuitive bending of (music) systems and on the expression of space by means ofsound. It includes a wide variety of conceptual actions and chance operations, probing the emergent field between intended and accidental occurrences in sound and action.
Traversing the planes of music composition and the concert setting as such,his works thoroughly intertwine parameters of both aural and spatial perception. Including aspects of concert, installation and performance, sound is not used to express thematically but to establish an acoustical situationthat is transitive and sculptural. Engaged with the formative principles of music, the scores for his instrumental works are often open-ended and propose simple rule-based systems that provide performers with a way to listen, act and interact; contextual instructions that set the circumstances for a performance to happen.
Recently he has been installing sound pieces in the public space -sometimes employing intervention style tactics-, negotiating the acoustics and structure of urban and natural sites.
Martijn Tellinga received a Master's degree in Sonology, studying with Paul Berg and Kees Tazelaar. He received stipends from the Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture. He performed and exhibited his workin over 20 countries worldwide. He worked in residence at a number of institutes and collaborated with a.o. Jonny Axelsson, James Beckett, Dante Boon, Dextro, James Fulkerson, Sagi Groner, Robin Hayward, Jan Robert Leegte, Mike Majkowski, Jon Mueller, Koen Nutters. He performed works by Cage, Lucier, McCall, Nono, Ono, Raaijmakers, Tudor, Xenakis.He is one of the curators for the concertseries DNK-Amsterdam and radio maker for the Dutch radiostation De Concertzender. In 1999 he started the platformfor experimental music Stichting Mixer, having organised numerous events andreleased over 25 titles today. In 2010 he was visiting lecturer on Sound Art at Shenyang Conservatory of Music. He lives and works in Amsterdam and Beijing.