22 de marzo del 2017
Lugar: Salón de Cursos CMMAS
Ponente: Thierry Miroglio
If Percussion is the oldest existing family of instruments, it is also surely this, which has known the most important development in the music of XX and beginning XXI centuries.
However due to the number of instruments, their tuning / not-tuning sounds, acoustic characteristics, ways of playing, writing for Percussion includes specificities that we don’t meet with other instruments.
This conference will present the History of the Percussion, watching its (r)evolution from its first function in the orchestra until the soloist instrument that it is in the contemporary music.
In parallel an important point raised will be how its langage and style of writing were developing and became sophisticated with the different steps of the time. Then starting from recordings and scores studies, we will observe the problematics that writing for Percussion today is representing for a composer and which solutions are offered to him.